
Terms and conditions of pawnbroking

Pawnbroking is governed by articles D.514-1 to 514-22 of the French Monetary and Financial Code. The borrower acknowledges having read the information provided pursuant to article D.514-8-1 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and the present terms and conditions, which he accepts without reservation.

CONDITIONS OF GRANTING: The contract is signed by the natural person to whom the pawnbroking loan is granted, after verification of identity and domicile. Crédit Municipal de Paris (CMP) may, whenever it considers it necessary for the granting of a loan, request from the borrower any document likely to justify the rights that the latter may have to the goods. Pledged items may only be tangible movable property of appreciable value and in good condition. They are appraised by auctioneers selected by the CMP. It is the borrower's responsibility to ensure that pledged items comply with customs regulations before they are deposited (Info douane tel. 0 811 204 444 or write to see e-mail). The loan amount is paid to the borrower immediately, in cash up to 3,000 euros and by cheque or bank transfer above that amount.

DURATION OF CONTRACT: The loan is granted for a period of one year. It is renewable. The borrower may withdraw from the loan at any time by repaying the principal, interest and charges due. After a period of three months, the borrower may request the sale of the property, even before the end of the contract, but no later than one month before. The terms and conditions of the sale are set out in a separate signed amendment
In the event of the borrower's death before the end of the loan term, the contract continues with his or her successor(s). These successors have the same rights and obligations as the deceased. If there is more than one successor, an agent must be appointed to represent them. The identity and contact details of the representative are notified to the CMP as soon as possible. The power of attorney must expressly provide for the agent's authority to collect any surplus, and, where applicable, to renew or terminate the loan. If no agent is appointed within 3 months of receipt of the letter from the CMP informing the successors of the need to appoint an agent to represent them, the CMP may decide to terminate the contract early. As a result of the early termination of the loan, the repayment claim becomes due and payable. Successors are informed of the early repayment of the debt. In the absence of a response within one month of notification of early termination to the successors, the CMP may sell the pledged asset under the conditions set out herein.

NO RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL: The right of withdrawal does not apply to pawnbroking transactions.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEPOSIT: The duplicate of the loan agreement given to the borrower constitutes acknowledgement of deposit of the pledged item(s) in accordance with the provisions of article D.514-10 of the French Monetary and Financial Code.

OPPOSITION: In the event of loss or theft of the acknowledgement of deposit, the borrower must immediately inform the CMP, which will register an opposition. This objection can be made by providing proof of identity by post or on site. In this case, the loan can only be released on the expiry date specified in the contract at the time of commitment. Opposition does not prevent the sale if the contract is not renewed or cancelled by the due date specified in the contract. A duplicate of the acknowledgement of deposit (invoiced at €2 inc. VAT) may be issued to the customer on request.

RENEWAL TERMS: On expiry, the contract may be renewed subject to the agreement of the CMP and payment of interest and fees due. Renewal gives rise to a new contract subject to the general and special conditions in force on the day of renewal. A new valuation of the collateral is then carried out, which may lead to a change in the borrowed capital. In the event of a reduction in value, the borrower is obliged to repay the excess capital borrowed.

PERSONAL AREA: The CMP provides borrowers with a secure area that can be activated at This free service enables borrowers to monitor and renew their contracts remotely, in paperless form, and to manage their personal information. By activating the dematerialized relationship on his/her personal space, the borrower expressly agrees to receive in dematerialized form all documents, pre-contractual information and, more generally, all correspondence relating to the management of his/her contracts and/or to transmit in dematerialized form all documents requested by CMP. The borrower also acknowledges that he/she is capable of following the contractual relationship remotely and that this method of communication is suitable for his/her situation. In this context, the borrower accepts that the CMP may send e-mails to the contact details provided by the borrower to inform the borrower of the availability of information or documents provided in the secure personal space. The borrower may, at any time, request that information and documents be sent in hard copy.

INTEREST, FEES AND PENALTIES TO BE ACQUIRED: Interest and fees are payable at maturity. They consist of loan interest and custodian fees as set out in the special terms and conditions. Interest and charges are calculated from date to date, starting on the commitment date and ending on the release date or maturity date in the case of renewal. Any delay in payment incurs a penalty of 0.50% per fortnight started, calculated on the amount of capital borrowed, up to a maximum of 12 fortnights.

PAYMENT METHODS: Loan renewals can be made by credit card up to a maximum of 1,500 euros via the personal account, or by cheque or bank transfer; cheques should be made payable to the CMP Accounting Officer, and transfers should bear the name of the holder and the contract number. Disbursements made at the counter give rise to the immediate return of the items deposited as collateral against full payment: in cash within the limits laid down by regulations, by bank transfer (EEA zone), by bank cheque drawn on an establishment approved in France, accompanied by its transaction advice showing the bank details of the account that sent the funds, or by bank card. For all payments, the funds must come from a personal account; company payments are not accepted. If a third party is mandated to carry out the clearance, he/she must have an original signed power of attorney, the original contract, a valid form of identification and the valid form of identification of the contract holder. Cash payments for contract decommitments are limited to 3,000 euros per customer per calendar year.

DEFAULT IN PAYMENT AND TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE OF PLEDGES: On the due date, in the absence of release or renewal, the items are sold at public auction, by decision of the CMP General Manager, enforceable by order of the President of the Court of First Instance, without delay or notice. Auction sales are announced at least 10 days in advance, by posting on the CMP website, and on site. In accordance with the provisions of article D514-18 of the CMF, the borrower must pay the CMP a selling fee of 15% of the auction price. Once a pledged item has been listed for sale, it can no longer be withdrawn, unless the borrower pays the CMP at least 15 days before the sale date. In this case, the borrower must pay the CMP a withdrawal fee of 5% of the estimated value.

BONI CONSECUTIVE TO THE SALE: The bonus that may result from an auction sale, after deduction of principal, interest, costs and fees, is available to the borrower for a period of two years from the date of the auction sale. Payment of the bonus is made by bank transfer, subject to the provision of a bank account number (RIB) in the borrower's name and a copy of the borrower's identity document. At the end of the two-year period, the amount of the bonus is definitively acquired by the CMP.

LOSS AND DETERIORATION: Items are kept by the CMP for the duration of the loan. All claims must be made in writing when the pawned items are returned. In the event of loss by the institution of all or part of the pawned items, the borrower is compensated by payment of a sum equal to the appraisal of the item made at the time of commitment, plus a flat-rate indemnity of 25%, less any sums due. In the event of deterioration of the pledged item, the borrower may relinquish it to the institution, subject to payment of an indemnity equal to the appraised value of the item at the time of commitment, plus a flat-rate indemnity of 25%, less any sums due. In this case, the item may be sold at auction on the institution's own account. If the borrower prefers to take back the item as is, he/she will receive compensation equal to the difference between the current replacement value of the item, as estimated by an appraiser from the establishment, and the value estimated at the time of deposit. No compensation will be paid for damage caused by insect bites or worms in the case of wooden furniture and objects, or by oxidation of metals, or for damage caused by temperature variations.

INFORMATIQUE ET LIBERTES: The borrower's personal data is used under the responsibility of CMP for the execution and management of loan contracts, to meet legal and regulatory obligations relating to the internal controls of financial establishments and the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, as well as for the pursuit of CMP's legitimate interests of business management (statistics), claims management and litigation. The provision of personal data is mandatory for the contractualization of the loan. This data is intended for authorized members of the CMP and its subcontractors, and may be passed on to the relevant supervisory authorities if necessary. It is kept for a period of 10 years from the end of the commercial relationship. You have a right of access, rectification, opposition, limitation, deletion and portability of your personal data, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Subject to production of valid proof of identity, you may exercise these rights by simple request to Crédit Municipal de Paris, Délégué à la Protection des Données, 55 rue des Francs Bourgeois 75004 Paris or to the address see email. If you feel that your data protection rights have not been respected, you can submit a complaint to the CNIL 3 Place de Fontenoy TSA 80715 75334 Paris Cedex 07 or to

FIGHT AGAINST MONEY LAUNDERING AND THE FINANCING OF TERRORISM (AML-FT): In application of the regulations governing the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AML-FT), requests for information relating to the professional, economic and financial situation (in particular level of income, professional activity, assets, etc.) and to the type of business relationship (in particular origin of funds, destination of funds, etc.) fall within the scope of the obligation of vigilance with regard to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism.) and the type of business relationship (in particular origin of funds, destination of funds, etc.) fall within the scope of the obligation of vigilance with regard to the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism laid down in the French Monetary and Financial Code. Refusal to provide any information required by the CMP may result in refusal to enter into a business relationship, or in its immediate termination. Additional due diligence measures with regard to Politically Exposed Persons, as defined in article R. 561-18 of the French Monetary and Financial Code, are also implemented (origin of assets and funds involved in the business relationship).

INFORMATIONS RELATING TO DISPUTES: In the event of a complaint, please contact us at the following address: Crédit Municipal de Paris - Réclamation 55 rue des Francs Bourgeois, 75004 Paris,), or at the address shown in the e-mail. In the event of an unresolved dispute, you may submit your complaint to the Crédit Municipal de Paris Mediator at : Monsieur Le Médiateur de l'ASF, 24 avenue de la Grande Armée, 75854 Paris Cedex 17 or on the mediator's website:

SECURITIES AND DEPOSITS GUARANTEE: The customer is hereby informed that CMP has signed up to the securities and deposits guarantee mechanism provided for in article L.3221 of the French Monetary and Financial Code and regulations no. 99-14, no. 99-15, no. 99-16 and no. 99-17 of the Comité de la Réglementation Bancaire et Financière. The purpose of the funds guarantee mechanism is to indemnify the claim resulting in particular from the unavailability of cash funds deposited with a member institution. The compensation ceiling is 100,000 euros per institution and per depositor. Further information on the conditions (including exclusions) or deadlines for compensation may be requested from : Fonds de garantie des dépôts et de Résolution (FGDR), 65 rue de la Victoire 75009 Paris, Tel. 01 58 18 38 08.

AUTORITE DE CONTROLE PRUDENTIEL ET DE RESOLUTION: This authority is responsible for ensuring the quality of the financial situation of entities in the sectors it supervises. Its contact details are as follows: ACPR 4, Place de Budapest, 75436 Paris Cedex 09.