Claims and mediation

If you would like more information about pawnbroking, please send your message to see the e-mail

If you have a complaint, please contact us at the following address:

  • By post

Crédit Municipal de Paris
Service gestion - Réclamations clientèle
55, rue des Francs-Bourgeois
75004 Paris

Our establishment undertakes to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 10 working days from the date of sending your complaint in writing. You will receive a reply within two months of the date on which your complaint was sent.

In the event of an unresolved dispute and after all amicable means of redress have been exhausted, for a complaint concerning pawnbroking (including bonuses), joint savings or safe-deposit box rental services, you may submit your complaint to the Crédit Municipal de Paris Mediator at the following address:

ASF Mediator
24, avenue de la Grande Armée
75854 Paris Cedex 17 France

You can also contact the Mediation officer directly by clicking here (http://lemediateur.asf-

If you have a complaint about the services of the Direction de l'Inclusion et de la Culture Financières, Auctions, Expertise or CC ART (excluding safe deposit box rentals), you may submit your complaint to the Médiateur de la Ville de Paris at the following address:

Monsieur le Médiateur de la Ville de Paris
1 place Baudoyer
75004 Paris

You can also contact the Mediation officer directly by clicking here (