Frequently asked questions
How many times can I renew my contract?
You can renew your contract as many times as you like, with no time limit.
Please note: if you wish to renew your contract, don't miss the expiry date. After this date, you will no longer be able to renew your contract, and your item will be put up for sale by public auction. You can renew your contract 30 days before the expiry date.
How much will you lend me?
The amount of the loan offered depends on the estimated value of your item on the public auction market. When you deposit your item, specialized experts assess its value. We will offer you a loan of 50-60% of this value.
Exemple : si vous déposez un sac que vous avez acheté 1200, et que les experts du Crédit Municipal de Paris estiment qu'il vaut 800 euros sur le marché des enchères publiques, la somme prêtée s'élèvera à environ 450 euros. Exemple indicatif, non contractuel.
Who benefits from the sale?
All the lots offered for sale at Crédit Municipal de Paris have previously been pledged as collateral for a loan. In 9 cases out of 10, the owner of the item repays his loan and gets his property back. If the borrower is unable or unwilling to repay the loan, or wishes to sell the item, it will be offered for sale.
Si le lot est vendu pour un montant supérieur à la somme due au Crédit Municipal de Paris, le différentiel (hors frais de vente) est reversé au propriétaire de l'objet. Cela s'appelle un boni. En 2023, 5,3 millions d'euros de boni ont été générés pour être reversés aux clients dont l'objet a été vendu.
How long does it take to get back an item purchased online?
You have one month from the date of purchase to collect your prize. Payment must have been received before you can withdraw it. After 30 days, a custodian fee of 1% of the hammer price, excluding costs, will be charged each month.