Strategic plan
Crédit Municipal de Paris in 2025: sustainable, inclusive and resilient.
A forerunner in social finance since 1637, Crédit Municipal de Paris has an ambition and a promise: to offer an exemplary and innovative public service, and to help write a fairer and more sustainable future. In a difficult economic climate for many people in the Paris region, Crédit Municipal de Paris must amplify its role as a social shock absorber and further promote financial inclusion. This is the aim of the Héraklès strategic plan, which maps out the institution's future up to 2025.
The Herakles Plan is structured around 4 priorities:

Priority 1: Committing to sustainable growth with a positive impact
Proud of its vocation as a credit institution
and social aid provider, Crédit Municipal de Paris aims to develop its business in a humane, sustainable and virtuous way.

Priority 2: Inventing tomorrow's finance and social action
As an institution committed to local residents and associations, Crédit Municipal de Paris aims to extend its social action and multiply its community projects.

Priority 3: Strive for excellence to develop our range of services
An exceptional institution,
Crédit Municipal de Paris reaffirms its high standards by working to modernize,
digitize and diversify its services.

Priority 4: Become an agile and caring organization thanks to collective intelligence
Crédit Municipal de Paris is a responsible player, thanks in particular to its employees; it has a duty to be an exemplary public service and employer.
This program is underpinned by an ambitious investment plan of nearly €16 million.
* 12 million will be devoted to real estate investments: reducing our carbon footprint (€4 million), maintaining our real estate assets, maintaining and developing our revenues, improving working conditions, resilience of our infrastructures
* €4 million will be devoted to accelerating the digitization of our services: pawnbroking information system, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), digitization of our procedures, customer experience for our conservation services and for our auctions.