Balancing your budget
Group workshops
Parcours Budget offers several group workshops to help you regain control of your finances.
My Everyday Banking
Hosted by the association Finances et Pédagogie, this educational workshop offers a program of information on banking and budgeting. You'll gain a better understanding of the different services and products offered by banks on a day-to-day basis (means of payment, credit, savings, insurance), so you can make informed choices.
Eco-gesture workshops
Hosted by the Paris PIMMS (Point Information Médiation Multi Services), this workshop takes the form of a fun quiz to raise awareness of the steps you can take on a daily basis to save energy. You'll get tips on how to understand and control your water and electricity bills. The program also includes information on energy cheques and the energy classes of household appliances.
Computer workshops
Led by our advisors, this workshop will enable you to familiarize yourself with IT tools, so you can become more independent in your online activities. Using real-life situations, this workshop will cover the basics (handling the mouse and keyboard) and teach you how to navigate the Internet to access your personal accounts and spaces in complete security (bank account, France Connect, tax site, Social Security, Pôle emploi, etc.).