About Crédit Municipal

Faithful to its social mission, Crédit Municipal de Paris continues to innovate in favor of finance that serves the general interest.

Modern since 1637

Crédit Municipal, the City of Paris' credit and social aid institution, is a hybrid, at the crossroads of banking, social action and culture.

Founded in 1637 by philanthropist Théophraste Renaudot, Crédit Municipal de Paris is the oldest financial institution in Paris. Its original vocation was to combat usury through a social pawnbroking service. Over the centuries, the institution has adapted to the complexities of the economic world to become a multi-faceted place, faithful to a fundamental ethic: to offer a place of welcome, listening and mutual aid for all Parisians and Ile-de-France residents, without distinction.

While pawnbroking - a much simpler and more advantageous ethical cash-flow solution than traditional bank loans - remains the bank's core business, Crédit Municipal de Paris has diversified its activities to meet the needs and expectations of local residents in an ever-changing world. In addition to auction sales, the bank offers appraisal and conservation services for works of art and precious objects at its Centre de Conservation d'ART(CC ART). Parcours Budget also offers free personalized assistance to anyone in financial difficulty or wondering about their personal finances. Last but not least, theEpargne Solidaire service helps people to give meaning to their money.

A supportive and committed establishment since 1637

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Meilleurs vœux !

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Exceptionnelles ventes de joaillerie et horlogerie les 6 et 7 décembre

  • Buying at auction
  • Expertise

Egalité salariale : les solutions existent !

  • Patronage and partnerships

L’épargne solidaire, un choix doublement gagnant

  • Solidarity savings and finance
  • Saving for solidarity

Rejoignez les bénévoles du Crédit Municipal de Paris !

  • Alerts and information
  • Balancing your budget

Nouvelle permanence du Médiateur au Crédit Municipal de Paris

  • Alerts and information

Echange avec Agnès Bieder-Verdenne sur les montres de luxe

  • Expertise

Nouvelle campagne solidaire d’annulation de dettes

  • Press releases
  • Pawnbroking
Photo cour Framboisier_fontaine

Le Crédit Municipal de Paris participe aux Journées du Patrimoine, les 21 et 22 septembre 2024.

  • Culture
  • Institutional
  • Events

One ambition: to offer
an exemplary public service