
National days of action against illiteracy

  • Institutional
  • Events

Crédit Municipal de Paris and Banque de France take part in the 8th Journées Nationales d'Action contre l'Illettrisme.

The fight against illiteracy was declared a Great National Cause in 2013. Since then, every year, under the aegis of the Agence Nationale de Lutte contre l'Illettrisme (National Agency for the Fight against Illiteracy), players in the field of social inclusion mobilize to advance this cause by proposing, over the course of a week, actions to prevent and combat illiteracy.

The subjects of money and budgeting are essential in everyone's life, and represent challenges that are sometimes difficult to overcome for those who find it difficult to read, write or count, or who have not mastered basic digital skills.

This year, Crédit Municipal de Paris and Banque de France are joining forces for the JNAI, offering workshops on money matters.

As a key player in financial and social inclusion, Crédit Municipal de Paris is committed to these issues on a daily basis. Since 2008, the CMP has been offering budget support to people in financially fragile situations. Its pedagogical approach aims to provide beneficiaries with personalized advice and long-term support, as well as information and awareness-raising via group information sessions (budget fundamentals, banking and solutions in the event of difficulties).

"Our role is to support anyone who is in financial difficulty or simply has questions about their personal finances. Our main missions are to listen, advise, inform, guide, propose solutions and support people in their efforts to regain their autonomy and get back into action. Our aim is to enable everyone to make informed choices, and to regain their power to act on money and budget-related issues. Offering workshops as part of the JNAI is an opportunity to share and make accessible useful and reliable information and sites on money matters, to trivialize this sometimes still taboo subject and, above all, to enable as many people as possible to benefit from it! " Nadia Chekkouri, Coordinator in charge of budget support at Crédit Municipal de Paris.

Come and take part in our fun and educational workshops on September 7 and 9!


Workshop 1

Information session on budget management and possible solutions in the event of difficulties

Workshop 2

Demonstration of digital tools (Pilote Budget and Pilote dépenses applications, "Mes Questions d'Argent" and "Mes Questions d'Entrepreneur" websites, depositor portal)

Workshop 3

Recognizing a counterfeit banknote

Workshop 4

My Money Matters" game session

Practical info :

Crédit Municipal de Paris / 55 rue des Francs-Bourgeois 75004, Paris

Tuesday, September 7 and Thursday, September 9, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Free admission, no registration (subject to availability).

The workshops run simultaneously, and participants can switch from one to the other.

In view of the current health situation, masks must be worn.