Financial information
As the oldest financial institution in Paris, Crédit Municipal de Paris has demonstrated the robustness of its financial model for almost four centuries.
"In 2023, against a backdrop of soaring interest rates, Crédit Municipal de Paris, like other financial players, had to question its vision of resilience and translate it into action."
Frédéric Mauget, General Manager
Financial report 2023

"The current financial climate is putting all social and economic players to the test. However, Crédit Municipal de Paris has managed to consolidate all its activities and maintain its role as a resource for all Parisians.
Paul Simondon, Vice-Chairman of the Orientation and Supervisory Board, Deputy Mayor of Paris in charge of finance, budget, green finance and funeral affairs
Previous years
Risk report

The aim of Pillar III is to establish market discipline through a set of reporting requirements. These requirements, both qualitative and quantitative, improve financial transparency in the assessment of risk exposures, risk evaluation procedures and capital adequacy.
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