Budget tip

Personal finance: the best resolutions for 2024

  • Budget management

Now that the celebrations are over, it's time to make those traditional New Year's resolutions. Each new cycle is, after all, a great opportunity to take stock of our own achievements, revisiting successes and victories - however big or small, difficulties or failures. And it's also a time to open up to new perspectives. So, how about making some personal finance resolutions?

The aim of this time of introspection is to identify, among our thought patterns and beliefs, our emotions and feelings on the one hand, and our attitudes and behaviours on the other, those which are helpful and effective, and which we have every interest in maintaining and reinforcing, from those which are unsatisfactory and dysfunctional, and which we will be keen to change.

In the manner of the Stoic sages, we could ask ourselves what new routines to put in place, habits to adopt and state of mind to nurture when it comes to money, in order to (re)find and maintain lasting financial well-being. While realistic, simple and accessible, these resolutions should be translated into concrete actions, in order to gain in effectiveness.

Here are just a few examples:

So that the 365 new days to come can help you live your relationship with money fully, serenely and consciously, and to help you continue to make informed choices, we'll be bringing you new advice every month.

Finally, the entire Inclusion and Financial Culture team wishes you a year of abundance. Abundance in health and vitality, in creativity and projects, in rich and inspiring relationships and - it goes without saying - in personal finances.